
Bitcoin vs. Altcoins: What are the main differences and how to choose the right asset?

Cryptocurrencies have changed the way we perceive money, investments, and the entire financial system. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, opened the doors to a new digital world, but it was followed by thousands of other digital currencies known as altcoins. In this blog, we will look at the key differences between Bitcoin and altcoins and explore how to choose the right asset for your investment goals.

Bitcoin: Pioneer of digital currencies

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer or group of developers using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Its main goal was to create a decentralized digital currency that would enable secure and transparent transactions without the need for a central authority, such as banks or governments.Bitcoin is based on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger recording all transactions in the network. This ledger is maintained and updated by miners, who receive newly mined bitcoins as a reward for their work.

Altcoins: Alternatives to Bitcoin

Altcoins, short for 'alternative coins,' are all cryptocurrencies created after the introduction of Bitcoin to the market. Some of the most well-known altcoins include Ethereum, Ripple (XRP), Litecoin, and Cardano. Altcoins aim to improve or expand various aspects of Bitcoin, such as transaction speed, privacy levels, or usability.

Key differences between Bitcoin and altcoins:

  1. Technology: Bitcoin uses a specific blockchain and consensus algorithm (Proof of Work), while altcoins often experiment with new technologies and algorithms, such as Proof of Stake.
  2. Purpose: Bitcoin was designed as a digital alternative to money. Altcoins may have a broader range of uses, including smart contracts, decentralized finance (DeFi), and asset tokenization.
  3. Market capitalization: Bitcoin usually has the highest market capitalization and is considered the most stable and secure cryptocurrency. Altcoins may offer higher growth potential but come with higher risk.

How to choose the right asset?

  1. Educate yourself: Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it's essential to understand how it works and what advantages and disadvantages it has.
  2. Assess your investment goals: Bitcoin is often considered 'digital gold' and may be suitable for long-term investors seeking stability. Altcoins may be more attractive to speculative traders or investors looking for innovation.
  3. Diversification: Just like with traditional investments, it's crucial to diversify your crypto portfolio. This may involve holding a mix of Bitcoin and carefully selected altcoins.
  4. Monitor the market: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Keep an eye on market trends, news, and technological developments that may impact the value of your investments.
  5. Security: Securing your cryptocurrencies should be a top priority. Ensure you use reliable wallets and exchanges and that your investments are protected from hacks and fraud.


Investing in cryptocurrencies is exciting but requires caution and thorough preparation. Whether you choose Bitcoin or altcoins, always ensure that your decisions are informed, and you are aware of the risks associated with investing in digital currencies.


Aleš Roleček